The Dragon Shed

Alternative: "The pens"

All items for The Dragon Shed are listed below, in order of start time

Jump to:    Friday    Saturday    Sunday    Monday


Discworld RPG - Five Gods Go to the Seaside

The Dragon Shed : 15:00 - 19:00 (4.0 hours)

A Discworld Roleplaying Game demonstration game for up to five players, run by author Phil Masters.
You aren’t much of a pantheon, but the humans of Little Creeper Swamp didn’t ask for too much. But that was before the outside world came knocking with steam and steel. And how can you keep your worshippers down on the swamp, once they’ve seen Quirm? So it’s time to take a trip out of the swamp, to remind wandering worshippers about some old-time religion.

Sign-up for this RPG is at Registration or Ops.
The Signup will close at 12:00 on Friday.
The badge-names of the lucky members (as well as those of two backups) will be posted at the 'announcement wall' near Ops and at the door to Klatch.
The list will also be shown on the TV-screens.


Meet Your Brotherhoods: ABDABS

The Dragon Shed : 10:00 - 11:00 (1.0 hour)

So you have signed up to a Brotherhood. Hurrah!
Now come along and learn the secret passphrase, handshake, plannings and plottings that your
Grand Masters shall impart to you.
What do you mean your thumb doesn’t bend that way?
*sigh* I’m sure the Brotherhoods will accommodate people of all thumb mobility.

Klatch Max, with Rob

The Dragon Shed : 11:00 - 12:00 (1.0 hour)

Somewhat Maxed-Up [1] Klatch with Rob Wilkins, but still with a limited number of attendees. For this event, no coffee or tea will be provided, but you can bring your own beverage.

These events are very popular, so entry is by lottery. Please use the Klatch-forms for signing up. Application and explanation are available at Registration or, after Registration is closed, Ops.

Signup for this will close at 17:00 on Friday.
The badge-names of the lucky members (as well as those of two backups) will be posted at the 'announcement wall' near Ops and at the door to LSpace-I.
The list will also be shown on the TV-screens.

[1] All of the Klatch, none of the Calories

Go/Fence (kids)

The Dragon Shed : 13:00 - 14:00 (1.0 hour)

The Ankh Morpork City Watch training grounds are being opened up for a limited time to civilians!
Sergeant Colon and Corporal Nobbs will teach you the noble art of prodding using the mostly latest training equipment!
Stab your enemies, stab your friends, stab your dragons, in a safe[1] and cost-effective[2] environment!

Suitable for ages 5-11.

[1] Did we pay the doctor the retainer? - Colon
[2] Nobby - Give them their money back. - Vimes.

Detective Stories Quiz

The Dragon Shed : 15:00 - 16:00 (1.0 hour)

Jessica Yates will question you on your general knowledge of detective stories, both of roundworld and discworld fame.

Discworld RPG - The Sheep from the Wolves

The Dragon Shed : 16:00 - 18:00 (2.0 hours)

A short Discworld Roleplaying Game, demonstration game for up to five players, run by author Phil Masters.
You’re tourists on your way from Borogravia to Zlobenia, and you’ve been told that the pass is safe enough for travellers. But did somebody forget to tell the wolves? They sound very unhappy about something. Well, there must be a safe place to stop for the night. That farmhouse over there, say…

This RPG is designed to be suitable for anyone completely new to roleplaying, or to the Discworld RPG.

Sign-up for this RPG is at Registration or Ops.
The Signup will close at 12:00 on Saturday.
The badge-names of the lucky members (as well as those of two backups) will be posted at the 'announcement wall' near Ops and at the door to Klatch.
The list will also be shown on the TV-screens.


A glimpse behind the purple shirt

The Dragon Shed : 15:00 - 16:00 (1.0 hour)

Everything you always wanted to know about the Discworld Convention but were afraid to ask. You are in this dragon-invested area, and everything is moving smoothly (I sincerely hope). But how does it actually work? Who are these people calling themselves Concom? They look terribly busy at the Convention, they answer your emails, your requests, but do they still have lives? How do they select a hotel, how do they decide what goes on, and where? What happens behind the scenes? This is the time and place to find out.

Dreadfull Passphrase

The Dragon Shed : 16:00 - 17:00 (1.0 hour)

The Anti-Dragon Brotherhood are plotting! but you have all found their Dread Lair ™
Now all you have to do is recite the Dreadfull Passphrase back to the Dreadfull Doorkeeper.
You all seem like smart beings, so this should be easy as a very easy pie
*whisper whisper* What do you mean you have no idea what I just said? Oh deary me…

Guards! Guards! Roundworld- style

The Dragon Shed : 17:00 - 18:00 (1.0 hour)

We may not have Vimes, Carrot, Angua or Cheery but we do have our own characters and odd events.
Hear some tales and anecdotes from the roundworld watch. Fact Stranger than Fiction? You decide.

Klatch Max, with Rob (EXTRA)

The Dragon Shed : 18:00 - 19:00 (1.0 hour)

Somewhat Maxed-Up [1] Klatch with Rob Wilkins, but still with a limited number of attendees. For this event, no coffee or tea will be provided, but you can bring your own beverage.

These events are very popular, so entry is by lottery. Please use the Klatch-forms for signing up. Application and explanation are available at Registration or, after Registration is closed, Ops.

Signup for this will close at 12:00 on Friday.
The badge-names of the lucky members (as well as those of two backups) will be posted at the 'announcement wall' near Ops and at the door to LSpace-I.
The list will also be shown on the TV-screens.

[1] All of the Klatch, none of the Calories
