Accessibility policy

We want to make sure you can participate in the events you enjoy, get around the venue with ease, and interact with the other members and our wonderful guests.

At the Convention we run an accessibility scheme called the Blue Dot system. 

What's different if I get a Blue Dot?

For the larger events and activities, members with blue dots will be allowed to enter first to find a space suitable for their needs and in their own time if they need longer. You also get priority access to lifts when they're needed.

Who is eligible for a Blue Dot?

If you believe you will need a little more time getting around, or you have any problems hearing or seeing, or if you just think you might need to be close to an exit during an event, please do register for a Blue Dot. The blue dot itself is just that, a blue sticker you can wear on your badge. The dots can be picked up at Registration (or when Registration is closed, at the Ops desk).

The list of reasons above why someone might want to ask for a dot is by no means exhaustive, and if you feel you may need one for other reasons please don't hesitate to ask for one. It doesn’t require any form of government documentation and we would encourage any members to talk to the Registration staff when they arrive if they have any questions.

How about caretakers?

Anyone with a blue dot can be accompanied by one other person whenever they get priority access (for seating, lifts, etc.). This person does not need a blue dot of their own. This way, you don't have to depend on a specific person and are free to mingle as you want.

Should members treat Blue Dot wearers any differently?

We expect all our members to be kind and courteous to each other, but please be aware that someone wearing a blue dot may need a little extra space, or time to move around. You may not be able to see the reason for this - some issues can be invisible at a mere glance. If someone looks like they are struggling, feel free to offer them assistance but please do not help without asking, or be offended if they do not take you up on your offer.

If you have any questions about this policy, or about the Convention hotel or event spaces, please contact us on for more information.

Booking your membership

Please consider your accommodation accessibility needs when choosing the type of membership you purchase. You will need either a full or concessionary membership to request a hotel room. A supporting membership does not allow members to request hotel rooms or book camping plots.

Accessibility at our hotels and around the venue

Please see our comprehensive venue and hotel accessibility information for more on how to get around the main venue, the Chesford Grange Hotel and our secondary hotel Woodland Grange.